Would it be interesting to know who the appraiser(s) are?
the watchtower grove in lehigh acres florida was recently sold off.
this land was purchased by the society from some well-off brothers for about $3000 a couple of decades back (1982 precisely).
it has since been bought by another jw - whom i have met personally.
i feel as if i'm on top of a mountain, and things are going good.
things could always be better, but i can't complain.. how about you?
rat is a happy person today !!!
here are a few pictures of my new car.
it has only 20 km on it.
Anyway, here in the US, the advertising industry is show ing a commerical where you see a popcicle truck and the sound of music coming down the street in a residentail area. And , then it shows abunch of men running up to the popcycle truck which then becomes a semi truck attached to a trailer full of new cars and the man/kid says to the semi driver to the effect, 'sir i would like to have the red one please' Anyway, I thought that was one of the better ones.
Hey it is a good look'in car. You must be rich.
...anyway i got into it with my mom and most of the family being present and sided with her that their was no way i could remember that i had seen a particular snake when i was about 2 years old.
so fortunitly, i was able to recall a certain incident where i was at the end of our driveway about 75 yards from the house this being in a rual setting with alot of trees and, a car pulls up, i am on the passenger side and that door opens and a man says he is the postman and told me to get in because he was going to take me to the store to get some candy.
sounded good to me, i remember i wanted to get in but couldn't try then heard the sound of my mom's voice very sternly saying my name and to come here...--end of story--
there is a "sister" and her daughter, that come to visit different ones at my place of business.
they usually come about 3 times a month, to read a scripture or a paragraph from a magazine, to a couple of people.
they then say hello to me, and leave after making their wt and awake placements.
(romans 6:8-11) 8 moreover, if we have died with christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.
9 for we know that christ, now that he has been raised up from the dead, dies no more; death is master over him no more.
10 for [the death] that he died, he died with reference to sin once for all time; but [the life] that he lives, he lives with reference to god.
hi everyone, all i wanted was a bible study, now we're at the point where we read 2 chapters in knowledge book, and the discussion turns to how i forsaking the inciting with others to worship,(something like that).
is there anything i can say to get them to accept that i'll go when/if i feel like going?.
this past weekend, they kept asking me what obstacles were in my way, i said i haven't had time, they go yeah you say that but there has to be something else, .
i'm to angry right now to write a complete synopsis on the following article from the watchtower.
it regarding child molestation and repressed memories.
i'll put in one quote, and leave this rest for you to read at your leasure.. ps, probably worth copying this because i would be surprised if they will leave it up much longer!.
Uh,........right. Some low life sack of shit confesses that he's a child molester, raped you when you were a kid and they think it would be a 'blessing' if you just forgave them like that and went on your merry way??
I like to think that some persons can forgive others for such conduct but realize forgiving shouldn't mean that the alleged is relieved of any futher consequences. Where is the fear of Jehovah.
For example if a writer, through the Watchtower weighted in on a specific case involving alleged pedo conduct which was never reported to the authorities and this specific information was transmitted to me via-internet then of course the writer will be included in the info which is passed on to cybersquad8 (FBI)
why jws still hold to c. t. russell as their founder is a mystery.
part of it, no doubt, is an effort to make the org seem "antique", as if it had always existed.
but if he were alive today, russell would be branded the worse type of apostate - and he would no doubt loathe the org.. .
Proverbs 9:6 "Leave the enexperienced ones and keep living"..."I have not sat with men of untruth; And with those who hide what they are I do not come in..." Psalms 26:4 Acts 2:40 "And with many other words he bore through witness"..."Therefore get out from among them, and seperate yourselves,'says Jehovah..." 2Corinthians 6:17 Revelations 18:4 "Get out of her, my people,...if you do not want to share with her in her sins..."
...anyway i got into it with my mom and most of the family being present and sided with her that their was no way i could remember that i had seen a particular snake when i was about 2 years old.
so fortunitly, i was able to recall a certain incident where i was at the end of our driveway about 75 yards from the house this being in a rual setting with alot of trees and, a car pulls up, i am on the passenger side and that door opens and a man says he is the postman and told me to get in because he was going to take me to the store to get some candy.
sounded good to me, i remember i wanted to get in but couldn't try then heard the sound of my mom's voice very sternly saying my name and to come here...--end of story--
. ...anyway i got into it with my mom and most of the family being present and sided with her that their was no way i could remember that i had seen a particular snake when i was about 2 years old. So fortunitly, i was able to recall a certain incident where i was at the end of our driveway about 75 yards from the house this being in a rual setting with alot of trees and, a car pulls up, i am on the passenger side and that door opens and a man says he is the postman and told me to get in because he was going to take me to the store to get some candy. Sounded good to me, i remember i wanted to get in but couldn't try then heard the sound of my mom's voice very sternly saying my name and to come here...--End of Story-- When my mom heard this she was visually shocked and so was my dad because she had never told anybody about the incident. Thus my mom confirmed the matter of the man in the car at the end of the drive way. Well rest of the family didn't appear to be impressed with my ability to remember but more focused on the fact that mom never told anyone for some 25 years. http://thepostings.blogspot.com